
They've never abandoned it!

they have never abandoned it.

* ( **الشيوخ** ) لم يتركوها *
* The elderly have not abandoned it*
*( **النساء** ) لم يتركنها *
*Women have not abandoned it*
*( **الأطفال **) لم يتركوها *
*Children have not abandoned it*
*في ( **الطرقات **) لم يتركوها *
*On the roads, they have not abandoned it*
*في ( **بلاد الفساد** ) لم يتركوها** *
*In corrupt countries, they have not abandoned it*
*في ( **الغابات** ) لم يتركوها *
*In the forests and jungles, they have not abandoned it*
*على ( **آثار** **الدمار** ) لم يتركوها *
*In the midst of ruins and destruction, they have not abandoned it*
*تحت ( **القصف** ) لم يتركوها *
*Under the bombings, they have not abandoned it*
*( **تحت الأمطار** ) لم يتركوها *
*Under the rain, they have not abandoned it*
*على ( **الدَّرَج** ) لم يتركوها *
*On the stairs, they have not abandoned it*
*على ( **السيارات** ) لم يتركوها *
*On top of car roofs, they have not abandoned it*
*في ( **محطات القطار** ) لم يتركوها *
*In train stations, they have not abandoned it*
*في ( **الطائرات** ) لم يتركوها *
*In planes, they have not abandoned it*
*على ( **الشواطىء** ) لم يتركوها** *
*On the beaches, they have not abandoned it*
*وهم ( **سيأسرون** ) لم يتركوها *
*Before they are captured, they have not abandoned it*
*و( **بعد أسرهم** ) لم يتركوها *
*And after they are captured, they have not abandoned it*
*(** المعاقين** ) لم يتركوها*
*The disabled have not abandoned it*
*فلماذا تتركها أنت ..!! *
*So why would you? **o *
*لماذا ..!! *
*WHY??** o *
*ألم تعلم بأنها أحب الأعمال *
*وأعظم الطاعات *
*وأفضل القربات إلى الله *
*Didn't you know that this is the most*
*loved deed by Allah, and the greatest ibadah?** o*
*فإن لم تحافظ على هذه الصلاة *
*وتصلي كما أمرك ربك *
*If you do not observe prayer as you are ordered to*
*فسيأتي اليوم الذي يصلى عليك*
*Then there will come a day when you will be prayed upon** *
*ولن تستطيع ذلك الوقت أن تقضي ما فاتك*
*You will then be unable to make up what you've missed*
*وستدخل هذه الحفرة ( **وحدك** ) *
*ولن تجد فيها إلا ( **عملك** )*
*You shall then enter alone... **o*
*No companions except your deeds*
*And what you have presented forward** *
*صَـلُّوا قــَـبْلَ أنْ يُصَلَّى عـَلـَـيْكُمْ*
*Pray before you are prayed upon*
* *
* *
*Below is a picture of a pilgrim*
*who died in Madina in the position of sujood (prostration)** **o*
*And another one (beneath it) of a pilgrim who died in Makka while raising
his hands with prayer (du'aa) **o*
*وإن كنت من ( **المتكاسلين** ) *
*فستموت ميتة ( **الخاسرين** )*
*فلاتدع الصلاة تفوتك *
*Do not miss a prayer*
*Do not die a loser's death*
*والله تعالى يقول : (( إِنَّ الصَّلاَةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا )) . *
*Allah swt says in the Quran that prayer is prescribed upon the believers
according to a precise timely record*
*اللهم اجعلنا من الذين هم في **صلاتهم خاشعون *
*والذين هم على **صلاتهم دائمون *
*والذين هم على **صلاتهم يحافظون*
*Oh Allah, make us among those you described in your Book*
*Those who have khushoo' in their prayers*
*Those who are continually observing their prayers and are heedful of them*

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